Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Ancillary Task

The other thing we had to start looking at at this point was our ancillary task. We chose to produce a magazine advertisement and a CD Digipak. Of course, this would require more independent research and group planning. We started looking at album covers for research and discussing what would make a good album cover in relation to the song. One particular idea was to play on the lyric "I'm a one way motorway". Jacob's idea was to take a photo of a local motorway at night with an decreased shutter speed. This would create a blurring affect on the lights of the motorway, making them appear as singular straight lines. We could then manipulate the image in Photoshop to make it look like only one side of the motorway was in use, hence "One way motorway". Jake said he would look into the dimensions and requirements of a Digipak, Tom was going to research possible locations to take our photo and me and Jacob looked a bit more into existing album covers.

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